Calming Corner


Where's Your Calming Corner?

I seriously had this question asked of me by one of my girls club members this past Wednesday night and while I have a calming area in my classroom and in my home for my son I never thought to actually include one for my Wednesday night girls club at church. Since students are learning to self regulate in the classroom at school it would be beneficial to have something for them for the hour they are with me every week. 

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Items in My Calming Corner

Breathing Posters

These are my favorite from Calm Ahoy Kids!! Of course I teach these breaths during the first few weeks of school. Remember spend the first few weeks building relationships and explicitly teaching expectations and practicing routines. 


I grabbed this kit but I am loving this caterpillar


So many options but my favorite are ABC, Number, and Ball. Sometimes they need the added visual and sensory input as they are calming down. 

Feeling Chart

My feeling chart is free from Whole Brain Teaching's FREE TPT store! It correlates with one of their amazing games! 
Whatever you decide to place in your calming corner be sure that there are visuals and items to help your students self regulate.

What do you like to put in your calming corner?
Be sure to share below!!!

Have a great day!


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