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Tips for a Tear-Free Drop Off

  Don't Worry As a kindergarten classroom teacher I just want to reassure you that it is perfectly normal for your child to experience anxiety when you drop them off at school. It could be the first day of school or the 15th day of school. This doesn't mean your child doesn't love school. It does not mean that he or she is not having fun or well cared for. It's a normal reaction to being separated from loved ones! Here are some tips for you! 1. Make it Quick Drop off time should take 1-2 minutes max. Give your child a hug at the door and encourage them to enter the classroom independently and get unpacked and ready for the day. This is crucial and so helpful for your child's teacher.  The quicker you can make this ritual, the less likely your child is to cry! Waiting for your child to stop crying will usually drag the tears out even longer.  2. Well Rested  Believe it or not, preschoolers and kindergartners need anywhere from 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night. Pick a

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